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Ibn Khaldun was not only known as a philosopher but also as a sociologist and his contributions are still highly regarded until today. He was considered as an authority in empowering knowledge of Islamic teachings during his lifetime.

Ibn Khaldun was very keen in the study of the society. He had formulated the methodologies of knowledge as foundations to today’s history writing. He had summarized all his ideas about the society in his book called : al-Muqaddimah. He had also succeeded in developing educational theories in the same book.

This research is based on the discussion of the Islamic Educational Concept and elements of the community which is founded upon Ibn Khaldun ideas. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out the Islamic Educational Concept in accordance with Ibn Khaldun’s thought which could be implemented in today’s community without eliminating the main social elements that are based on his thought. Attention is also given to the aspects of the community such as: historical aspect, culture, environment and civilization.

This study uses the historical approach namely through conducting research in order to solve the actual problems and analyzes those problems objectively. This research is a qualitative research which is based on the textual and contextual aspects, namely focus on library research. The collected data from this study is analyzed using content analysis approach.

Ibn Khaldun had suggested that an esteemed and distinguished education should pay attention to the elements of the community in the process of teaching and learning; that is, man as part of the community who desires development and changes, and the community that is always faced with differences amongst themselves; as all of these elements would become the catalyst in the educational world.

Ibn Khaldun’s fame in the educational world and specifically in Islamic education should be used as an example that should be followed by those who want to develop their knowledge parameters. Furthermore he is also admired and deemed as one of the pioneers who laid down the foundations on the knowledge of social science.
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