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The Effectiveness of Using Contextual Guessing Technique in Improving the Reading Comprehension of the Second Grade Students’of MTsN. Bangkala, Kabupaten Jeneponto


Name : Fitriani. N 
Title  : “The Effectiveness of Using Contextual Guessing Technique in Improving the Reading Comprehension of the Second Grade Students’of MTsN Bangkala, Kab. Jeneponto”
Reg. Number : 20401108039
Consultant I : Dra. Hj. Djuwairiah Ahmad M.Pd., M.TESOL. 
Consultant II : H. Erwin Hafid, Lc., M.Th.I, M.Ed.

The objective of this research was to what extent is the effectiveness of using contextual guessing techniques in improving the reading comprehension of the Second Grade Students’ of MTsN Bangkala, Kab. Jeneponto.

This research employed quasi-experimental method using two groups: pre-test and post-test design. The VIIIA class was treated as the experimental class and the VIIIB treated as the control class. There were two variables used in this research: independent variable (the use of contextual guessing techniques) and dependent variable (the students' reading comprehension).

The population of this research was at the Second Grade of MTsN Bangkala, Kab. Jeneponto academic year 2012/2013. There were three classes and each class consisted of 20-25 students. The total number of population was 65 students. The writer used purposive sampling technique and took VIIIA classes and VIIIB classes as sample of this research. The total number of sample was 40 students.

This research employed the test of reading as the instrument of data collection. The result of this test was used to assess to what extent the effectiveness of using contextual guessing techniques in improving the students' reading comprehension. After several meetings, this research found that the use of contextual guessing techniques was significantly effective in the learning process text guessing.

Based on the findings, the writer concluded that, at the second grade of MTsN Bangkala, the use of Contextual Guessing Technique was effective in improving the reading comprehension of the Second Grade students' of MTsN Bangkala. The effectiveness can be seen through the statistical analysis that t-test value that was 6.1, greater than t-table value 2.021. The result of this research was (1) the mean score obtained by students through pre-test of experimental group was 53.15 and pre-test of control group was 50.3 and post-test of experimental group was 76.25 and post-test of control group was 58.7. (2) The t-test value was higher than t-table (6.1>2.021). It means that, there was a significant difference between the result of the students’ pre-test and post-test. Therefore, hypothesis Ho was rejected and H1was accepted. 

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The Effectiveness of Using Contextual Guessing Technique  in Improving the Reading Comprehension  of the Second Grade Students’of MTsN. Bangkala,  Kabupaten Jeneponto
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